NJ Counseling Connections

Community Presentations
Browse my selection of featured presentations!
Courageous Connections: An Opportunity to Dare Greatly™ (2022)
Horizon Behavioral Health, Lynchburg, VA.
Description: Self-care training and consultation for clinical mental health personnel
The Personal is Professional: Cultivating Wellness and Meaningful Connections (2022)
Horizon Behavioral Health (Virtual Workshop)​
Description: Self-care training and consultation for mental health staff
Strengthening Our Resilience and Connections through Courageous Conversations
Denville Township Schools, Denville, NJ​
Description: Professional Development for K-5 educators, administration, and staff (2022)
An Ethical Practice on Today's General Clinical Practice (2019)
Preferred Behavioral Health/Integrated Care Concepts​
Eatontown, NJ
Description: Professional Development for Professional Counselors and Social Workers

Browse my selection of featured publications!

Schimmel, C., Springer, S.l., Grant, K., & Ieva, K. (In Press). #InRealLifeSchoolCounseling: An introduction to the profession. Cognella Academic Publishing.
Springer, S.I., Moss, L, & Schimmel, C. (Eds.) (2021). A school counselor’s guide to small groups: Coordination, leadership, & assessment (2nd Ed.). San Diego, CA: Cognella Academic Publishing.
Springer, S.I., Moss, L, Pugliese, A., Manavizadeh, N. (Eds.) (2018) A school counselor’s guide to small groups: Coordination, leadership, & assessment. Association for Specialists in Group Work.
Featured Peer Reviewed Articles
Grant, K, Springer, S.I., Tuttle, M, & Reno, M. (2021). Small-group counseling intervention to support career
exploration of rural middle school students. Journal for Specialists in Group Work. 46 (1), 108-127. https://doi.org/10.1080/01933922.2020.1856254
Limberg, D., Bayne, H., Springer, S.I., & Wymer, B. (2021). Examining the use of consensual qualitative research in counselor education. Journal of Ethnographic & Qualitative Research. 15 (3), 220-230.
Merlin, C., Moss, L., Cholewa, B., & Springer, S. (2020). An exploration of school counselor multicultural
education behaviors. Professional School Counselor, 23 (1), 1- 12.
Springer, S.I., Hennigan-Paone, C., Colucci, J. & Moss, L.J. (2020). Preparedness for suicide assessment: examining pre-service school counselors’ perceptions of their training experiences. Journal of Child and Adolescent Counseling. 6 (1), 18-36. https://doi.org/10.1080/23727810.2018.1556990
Springer, S.I., Mason, E., Moss, L., Pugliese, A & Colucci, J. (2020). An Intervention to support elementary faculty in meeting the needs of transgender and gender-nonconforming youth. Journal for Child and Adolescent Counseling, 6 (3), 181-199. https://doi.org/10.1080/23727810.2019.1689765
Duffy, J., Springer, S.I., Delaney, M. & Luke, M. (2019). Eco-Education: Integrating nature into the counselor
education classroom. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health. 15 (2), 1-14.
Springer, S.I., Land, C., Moss, L., & Cinotti. D. (2018). Collecting school counseling group work data: Initiating consensual qualitative research through practitioner-researcher partnerships. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 43 (2), 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1080/01933922.2018.1431346
Springer, S.I., Moss, L.J., Cinotti, D, & Land, C. (2018). Examining pre-service school counselors’ site supervisory experiences specific to group work. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 43 (3), 250- 273. https://doi.org/10.1080/01933922.2018.1484537
(Recipient of the 2018 ASGW Research Article of the Year)
Mason, E.C., Springer, S.I., & Pugliese, A. (2017). Staff development as a school climate intervention to support transgender and gender nonconforming students: An integrated research partnership model for school counselors and counselor educators. Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling, 11 (4), 301-318.
Moss, L., Pennamon, R., Springer, S.I., & Singh, A. (2017). Intergroup dialogue social justice group work: A call for increased research attention. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 42 (3), 231-242.
Springer, S.I. (2016). When Values Blur the Lines: Navigating an Ethical Dilemma in School Counseling. The Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision, 8 (2). https://doi.org/10.7729/82.1082
Springer, S.I. & Levitt, D.H. (2016). Eating issues and body image in elementary school: The school counselor’s response. Journal of School Counseling. 14 (2).
Springer, S. I. (2016). Examining predictors of group leader self-efficacy for preservice school counselors.
Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 41 (4), 286-311. https://doi.org/10.1080/01933922.2016.1228723
Springer, S.I. & Schimmel, C.J. (2016). Creative Strategies to Foster Pre-Service School Counselor Group Leader Self-Efficacy, The Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 41 (1), 2-18.
Springer, S.I. (2014). Get fit for life: Elementary school group counseling with a twist. Journal of School Counseling, 12 (17). Retrieved from: http://www.jsc.montana.edu/articles/v12n17.pdf


Book Chapters
Springer, S.I. & Roselle, H. (2022). Groups in schools, In H. Hamlet
(Ed.), School practicum and internship: 30 essential lessons (2nd Ed., pp. 366-412). Cognella Academic Publishing
Springer, S.I., McCauley, E., & Sheklian, M. (2020). Group work in the
natural world. In M. Delaney (Ed.), Nature is nurture: Counseling in the natural world, Oxford University Press.
Springer, S.I., Peterson, J.S., Moss, L., Vernon, A. (2019). The individual counseling Process. In A. Vernon
& C. Schimmel (Eds.), Counseling Children and Adolescents, (5th Ed., pp. 37-74) Cognella Academic Publishing.
Springer, S.I. (2017). Childhood. In J. Schwarz (Ed.), Counseling women across the
lifespan: Empowerment, advocacy, and intervention (pp. 95-112). Springer Publishing.
Springer, S.I. & Roselle, H. (2016). Groups in schools, In H. Hamlet
(Ed.), School practicum and internship: 30 essential lessons (pp. 230-273). Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
Springer, S. (2013). Confidentiality with children. In D. Heller Levitt. & HJ. Hartwig Moorhead
(Eds.), Values and ethics in counseling: Real-Life ethical decision- making (pp. 77-84). Routledge